We had our baby shower this past weekend! And it was MARVELOUS!!! I could have never ever dreamed of anything better! It was just PERFECT!! My hostesses: Becca, Misti, Wendy & Kim did an incredible job. Every little detail they put in came all together beautifully!
Now for the back story on why we went with a bee theme and doing the gender reveal (original post about finding out what we were having). At 14 weeks I had to go in and get a detailed ultra sound. When we were there the ultrasound knew right away the gender of our baby. Mike and I at that point (well really Mike) were not going to find out the gender of the baby. So when the tech asked us Mike immediately yelled NO and I blurted YES! Mike was not a happy camper. I was begging him for us to find out. He kept saying no no no. So the tech did not tell us in the room or printed a ultrasound anywhere near where you can tell what the gender was. When the tech left I was telling Mike we could keep the gender a secret between us an no one else. He still was not wanting us to know. I was upset, but I knew why he had said no. So I was mentally ready to leave the doctor's office with out knowing. I gave it a shot of trying to convince him. As we were walking out the room Mike told the tech, "Just tell her." The tech was shocked, "Are you sure?" and I said the same. So she told us right then. I was in shock! Mike was still not happy just because we found out. He needed some time to digest what happened. I basically ruined his dream to hear what our child was for the first time at birth. I felt really bad, but I really wanted to know. Eventually he came around and was very excited.
After that I was still unsure of the gender since we found out so early. I wanted absolute confirmation at 20 weeks. So I wasn't running off buying gender relate items. Mike and I decided since I ruined his surprise that we would keep the gender a secret a between us for a while. So we could enjoy that moment of knowing between us. Then an idea popped into my head (of course). What if we revealed the gender at the baby shower. Then it would give us time to return anything that people had purchased for us that was gender related. Plus it would be so much fun to reveal the gender in front of friends and family.
It was tough keeping the secret for 20 weeks (5 months). People kept trying to trick us, but we stood our ground and didn't give in. Whenever we talked about the baby we say "it" or "baby" we never slipped about the gender. We only talked about him/her between us. It was fun seeing people trying to guess what the baby was. When people say..."Oh I think it is a..." Mike would always ask them their philospohy and wives tale of why they thought it was a boy or girl. It was interesting to hear. Most people were basing on how I was carrying the baby.
Some people didn't like our decision of keeping a secret. We would always hear,"Well how will you be able to decorate the nursery?" or "How am I suppose to buy you a gift if I don't know?" It was always "How are you going to do this & that by not telling anyone..." Number One I already wanted a gender neutral nursery: gray, white, yellow & black. Number Two I registered for everything gender neutral so mainly white, which was totally fine! Number Three we will manage. When Mike and I were babies they couldn't find out the gender anyways and they managed. It is just a little harder now since most people find out and everything is gender related.
For the baby shower we went with the theme "What's It Going To Bee?" everything was bumble bee theme, black and yellow. Our plans was to reveal the gender by having our baker dye the inside of the cake the color of what the gender was (blue/pink). Then Mike and I will cut the cake to reveal what we were having! The girls who hostessed the shower took this vision I had and just made it a dream come true!!
Prior to the cake cutting. We had the room split. Whoever thought we were having a boy on one side and girl on the other. When then proceeded to cut the cake. Of course Mike had to tease everyone a little. Well we finally cut the cake and it is a.......scroll down to find out!!

So beautiful...and the little bees were delicious cake balls!! YUM! |
Damn...what a B!
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